Nuclear Medicine Board Review: Questions and Answers for Self Assessment
Nuclear Medicine Board Review: Questions and Answers for Self-Assessment
Authors: Goldfarb, et al.
Publisher: Thieme
2018 edition
Length: 340 pages
· Date Reviewed: April 2020
Who this book is best for: Radiology residents and fellows studying for any of the ABR or ABNM board examinations including the ABR core exam, ABR certifying exam (if specifying nuclear medicine) and ABR Nuclear Medicine subspecialty exam. Although this would also be helpful for practicing NM physicians to maintain/update knowledge, the Q&A format with brief explanations may be a deterrent for non-board preparation uses.
What this book is: An impressive question bank of nuclear medicine questions designed for board preparation. Comprising 2250 total questions with each chapter having up to several hundred questions. The correct answers are listed in a separate section with either a concise explanation or sometimes no explanation for questions that are more straight-forward. The quality of the printed images in this book are adequate.
What this book is not: A text review of nuclear medicine. This is a qbank in printed form and as such topic review can be fragmented. Every question has an answer listed but not all questions have an explanation provided (I assume these are the questions the authors felt are self explanatory) so the reader could sometimes be in the dark as to the reasons why an answer may be correct. Not all questions are in multiple choice format.
Additional thoughts: This is a printed qbank that has questions that are superior to most online qbanks that you can subscribe to. The depth of nuclear medicine concepts reviewed is quite good for a qbank and the quality of images is adequate. For those desiring an extra-rapid review, skip the question sections completely and proceed directly to the answer sections given that within the answer section each question is shown on the left, the answer is shown to the right, and this allows you to skip flipping pages between the questions and answers. Not all answers have a corresponding explanation, or the provided explanation may be brief, so you may occasionally have to do some searching on your own to find out why an answer is correct.
This book is more detailed than many other Q&A format books, has reasonable quality images, covers basics of nuclear medicine physics, and is better for advanced learners within months of a board examination.
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